There are a variety of ministries available to participate in on Sundays:
Collection bins are located by the office door
Echo Food Bank needs:
Collection bins are located by the office door
- Indoor (spinners, cards, yo-yo, small Lego sets, small toy vehicles. . . )
- Outdoor (frisbee, nerf balls, walkie-talkie set, sidewalk chalk, jump rope, bubble blowers. . .)
- Age appropriate for boys 9-17 years old
- smaller board games
- card games
- game/ activity/ puzzle books (Sudoku, word search, etc.)
3. School Supplies for children in crisis shelters
4. Winter coats and socks for the homeless (in wintertime)
Open to all Episcopal women, the chapter meets once a month (currently the second Saturday of the month at 9:30 am). The Order’s purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and to help strengthen the spiritual life of parishes and missions. Members undertake a Rule of Life incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirming their promises made at baptism and confirmation, Daughters pledge themselves to a lifelong program of prayer, service, and evangelism.
Our Saturday morning bible study meets at 8:00 am with lots of coffee to help wake you up!